DSC_2428DSC_2378 DSC_2433 DSC_2387 Plaid Coat_edited

Photos by Courthead Does Photography, Courtney Quinn Christian

Let’s face it, winter is here, and adding a bit of plaid to your wardrobe can be like a “Rainbow Brite” to a dull outfit.

This Joe’s Jean plaid, over sized jacket is amazingly soft and super warm. When creating this outfit, the jacket was my main item. Pulling out the colors from the jacket, I chose gray skinny jeans from Express, a white long-sleeved, shirt-tailed (longer in the back) knit top by Dolman, and a red sweater knit beanie by Wooden Ships.  I felt like a bootie was best for this outfit, because the jacket hit just above the knee; therefore, wearing a knee-high boot would cover too much of the leg. The booties are by Jeffrey Campbell, which are by far my favorite because of the thick heel and having both black and brown colors in the boot, plus the buckled detail.


The red knit beanie creates a little pop factor, pulling the red out from the plaid in the jacket, as well as the two necklaces filling in dull space on the white shirt. A black or gray purse would look best with this outfit. If trying to recreate something similar, look at the plaid item and determine what is the dominant color? Pull from the dominant color and the smaller one. For example, the red in the plaid was the smaller color, so I chose the red beanie to pull that color out more in the jacket. If I had chosen a gray beanie, the red wouldn’t really be noticed as much as it is here with the red beanie.

P.S. The Joe’s plaid jacket is still available at VC Boutique and its half price now! Call 304-525-2204. They ship anywhere! or copy and paste this link:  http://www.joesjeans.com/Alister-Long-Coat/-2748402563146840064/Product?ad_id=MA_google&zmam=85332933&zmas=1&zmac=1&zmap=E223170029-M-CMCP&gclid=COqGpYGk7sICFajm7AodjSYA4Q

The item is cheaper to buy from Village Collection.

Until next time.

Always be kind,
