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Photos by Courthead Does Photography, Courtney Quinn Christian


“Good Morning.” Isn’t that the phrase everyone wishes to hear in the morning first? There are some days were I wish good morning wouldn’t come so soon, especially in the winter- we force ourselves to get out of a warm bed. The start of a new day is kindof bittersweet, because you don’t really know what all it will bring into your life, some will be good and some bad. However, I tend to look forward to a new day and try to be better than the person that I was yesterday, because that’s really all that matters in life. Continuing to better yourself and the ones you love, plus your neighbors. Sure, there are days I don’t feel like waking up and getting ready, and I’m sure all of us have those, but we do it anyway. For the hope that something fantastic is going to happen? No. Simply because it is what we are meant to do… Live life. Your life can be whatever you want it to be, it simply depends on where you set your limits as as a person. I encourage everyone who reads this post to do something today or tomorrow that is out of your ordinary. Do something or start something that you have always wanted to do, stop letting fear or lack of self confidence over rule it. Wake up and say “Good Morning” to your soul in the mirror and smile back at it- and know that you only have one life- so stop wasting time and live it.

I wish everyone good health and happiness in the New Year of 2015. May courage and boldness be stronger in each of us. Until next time.

Always be kind,


Outfit details and links for same or similar items:

Wildfox “Good Morning” sweatshirt. Available at Village Collection, 304-525-2204, or copy link to buy:  http://www.wildfox.com/good-morning-sweatshirt

Express Destroyed Mid-Rise Jean Leggings, copy link to buy:  http://www.express.com/clothing/mid+rise+destroyed+jean+legging/pro/7156305/cat1700024

The hat is an antique. It belonged to my grandfather, William C. Turnbull.

Jeffrey Campbell Buckled Bootie. Similar pair, copy link to buy:  https://www.singer22.com/jeffrey-campbell/france-boot.html?sku=france&source=cj&ref=CJ

Linea Pelle black “Dylan” purse. On sale now, only available in orange and taupe. Copy link to buy:  http://www.lineapelle.com/m-sale/dylan-icon-medium-tote-morangepoppy?color=Orange%20Poppy