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Photos by Courthead Does Photography, Courtney Quinn Christian

The “Karma” pullover sweater by BCBG Max Azria makes for the perfect reminder for everyone who sees you that day to be on their best behavior, and most people need a good reminder-but not all…

The Express jean leggings complemented the light pink color of the sweater, and allowed the black boots and scarf to pop more with the word “Karma.” The boots are by Vince Camuto and the scarf is by Michael Stars. And let’s not forget to mention the thigh high sweater leg warmers by Lucky Brand. I absolutely adore these! These are a great addition to add trendy to any casual chic look. They are unexpected and that’s what makes them a great item. People don’t expect to see leg warmers that come up to the thigh, but when it’s done right, it adds great interest and more detail to the outfit. Just make sure your boot will still fit over your calf with the leg warmers. Mine, were definitely a tight fit. The black mini book bag is by Cezar Mizrahi, which is a great switch over from the everyday purse.

Links to purchase:

BCBG Max Azria sweater, “Karma” is sold out on their website but can be bought at Village Collection by calling 304-525-2204 or here is an ebay link that is selling it:     http://www.ebay.com/itm/BCBG-MAX-AZRIA-Womens-Fashion-KARMA-Soft-Knit-Pullover-Sweater-Tops-Shirt-/141457565696

Express Gray Jean Leggings: (similar item)  http://www.express.com//clothing/reversible+mid+rise+jean+legging+to+gray+-+tribal/pro/7156419/cat1700024?cid=3158&adpos=1o5&creative=53730924884&device=c&matchtype=&network=g&gclid=CLqOgNvSgMMCFWRp7Aod2hoANA

Lucky Brand Leg Warmers, similar items here : http://www.amazon.com/Warmers-Quality-Stretch-KD-dance/dp/B007E67Z0G

Vince Camuto “Almay” Black Boot: http://www.amazon.com/dp/B0051SG0LY

Cezar Mizrahi Black Mini Book Bag: http://www.amazon.com/Cezar-Mizrahi-Handbags-Backpack/dp/B00K2UG2IM       and it’s on sale from $399 to only $99!!

Michael Stars Black Infinity Scarf: (similar item) http://www.revolveclothing.com/paula-bianco-chunky-infinity-scarf-in-black/dp/PBIA-WV26/


A little more information about Karma:

Karma is defined by Buddhism as the sum of a person’s actions in this and previous states of existence, viewed as deciding their fate in future existences. Justin Timberlake hit home with his hit song, “What Goes Around…Comes Around,” because it speaks the truth. What goes around, does come back around- how you treat others and react to situations comes back to have it’s own playing card in your personal experience with life. No, there is no sign to warn you or to tell you that this happened because of how you treated “Jamie” in middle school – but it happens- and there is truth to sending out positive energy and receiving it in return. The Law of Attraction, like energy attracts more like energy, and the most underlying energy this whole world’s existence is based off of is love. So remember to always be kind, and love your neighbor and thy enemy, for it will play a huge role with your attitude and how you enjoy life. Until next time.

Always be kind,
