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All photos by Courthead Does Photography, Courtney Christian

What is art? According to my trusty search engine, Google, it is the “expression or application of human creative skill and imagination, typically in a visual form…producing works to be appreciated primarily for their beauty or emotional power.” And style is the way in which it is said, done, expressed, performed or designed. Therefore, I ask, where does your imagination and creative expression lie within you?

Art comes in so many forms and fashions, but style comes from within, it is the material expression of your inner being. Many of us dress based on our moods that day and some of us dress a certain style consistently because it reflects our character and morals or what we do for a living. Whichever you choose, it is right for you, no one is ever wrong. Yeah, some might say what was she thinking?? But at least she expressed herself, right (as long it was in a tasteful manner)? A lot of women don’t feel confident enough to add a trendy item into their wardrobe, even if they wanted to do so, why is that? Is it because they feel they will be judged by the ones who know them best?

If this is the case, then let them judge ladies.  Don’t let the opinion of others hold you back from adding new trendy items into your wardrobe. Probably eight out of 10 people choose negative judgment over positive because it’s something they wish they had the balls to do themselves or because you have something that they never will. Don’t let this stop you- be you, always.

If you want to change something then do it, because people always react to the new- it’s human nature- but they always adjust. This outfit was ‘new’ for me. If you know me, then you know I rarely wear skirts, yet alone knee high socks with pumps, but it was a trend I wanted to try- and I liked it. I loved how the feather on the Michael Stars fedora ties in the cranberry BCBG Generation skirt and black INC  pumps perfectly. The wide-neck, pale wisteria color sweatshirt is by Velvet, and the black watch is by La Mer. And of course, my all time favorite “Dylan” purse from Linea Pelle.

And for the many who want to try a trendy item, but feel as though they can’t because it doesn’t “fit” with their style, please try it, you only live once. And remember, you are the creator of your own style, no one limits it but you. Until next time.

Always be kind,



BCBG Generation skirt: 50% off at Village Collection boutique, call 304-525-2204. They ship anywhere!

OR this link:  http://www.amazon.com/BCBGeneration-Womens-Pleated-Skirt-X-Small/dp/B00NFCC0UI/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1423014865&sr=8-1&keywords=bcbgeneration+skirt     

Velvet sweatshirt: 50% off Village Collection boutique, call 304-525-2204. They ship anywhere!

OR similar here:  http://www.mytheresa.com/en-us/mariya-mohair-blend-knitted-sweater.html?utm_source=affiliate&utm_medium=polyvore

La Mer watch: Village Collection boutique, call 304-525-2204. They ship anywhere! Give code DD10 to receive a 10% discount!

Michael Stars fedora, old, similar item here:  http://shop.nordstrom.com/s/michael-stars-mingled-together-fedora/3842424

INC pumps:  http://www.shoemetro.com/p-228840-lilly.aspx?color=Black&material=Animal%20Print&utm_source=Google&utm_medium=PLA&catargetid=120168330000161059&cadevice=c

Linea Pelle purse, similar: http://www.lineapelle.com/m-most-wanted/dylan-icon-medium-tote-f14-mblack?color=Black


A special side note: Everyday I see a beautiful sky I thank God for his artistic capabilities. I’m proud to be a soul who can gravitate to the beauty of nature, I truly feel a sense of sorrow for the ones who can look at sunrises and sunsets and feel nothing. I pray for those who lack that ability.