So I’ve started this new venture in clean eating, and I must say, it’s amazing. Since January 2nd I’ve done nothing but eat raw fruits and veggies. Granted, it’s not an easy transition, but I’m kind of an all or nothing person who likes a change, so it has worked well for me. I make a 32oz juice of only fresh fruits and spinach in the mornings. I eat bell peppers, cucumbers, carrots and almonds for lunch with strawberries, grapes and blueberries as a treat. Then for dinner I have a salad with some avocados, tomatoes, bell peppers and olives. Overall, it’s been fairly easy to stick with, but again, I wasn’t a terrible eater to begin with. I just wanted to make a change in my eating after the holidays because I definitely over indulged. 

Originally it started as a 10 day detox, but I think I will continue eating this way due to how great I physically and mentally feel. I plan to do the raw to 4pm plan, then eat a healthy, light cooked dinner. I can honestly say that my energy levels are outstanding, and my brain fog is GONE! I’m more efficient throughout my day with no down periods, eliminating that terrible tiredness that always comes around 3pm. It’s sad because now have problems sleeping due to all my energy, but the best part is that it’s all NATURAL.

A major factor that helped influence me was watching a documentary called Racing Extinction. It was such an eye opener for me. It exploits how our human race is literally destroying our planet and fast forwarding extinctions for many species, just by the way we choose to eat and maintain our existence. I recommend watching the documentary if you haven’t already, it will definitely educate you.

I’m blessed to have the discipline to follow such a healthy diet, I know it doesn’t come easy for a lot of people. But I promise, if you have been thinking about eating healthier, it is well worth it. Eating all raw fruits and veggies is the best way, because your body knows exactly what to do with it and its nutrient dense as well, so your body is completely fueled. It makes it easier if you have a partner taking the same journey with you. I am thankful for my friend Brandy, who gladly meets me every Sunday at the grocery store 🙂 She is my partner in crime because neither one of us could give up our coffee! I know you’re suppose to while detoxing, but as like everything else, it is all in the eye of the beholder. And to me, coffee is great for my skin and feeds my soul with it’s warmth twice a day… I must have it. 

Until next time. Always be kind,


All images by Courtney Christian, Courthead Does Photography


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