Every now and then life throws curve balls at us and we always have to adapt to those changes. When you sit back to actually think about just exactly what is life’s purpose, for some it is a huge mystery and for others they already know their path. In your 20’s you struggle to figure out exactly what work will make you happy for the rest of your life, some succeed and find a clear direct path, while others become very well-rounded in trying to still complete the puzzle. But what if you never completed that puzzle?

There are many people in this world who never figure out what they want to accomplish or do in their lifetime. And some lose critical years in search of a dream that may never happen, what happens then? As I continue to work in the field of Senior Living, I get to talk with so many different people and listen to their experiences that it makes me stop and think about, not only my generation, but especially the ones below, and how in the world are they going to afford retirement?

We all know the world is changing and it isn’t like what it used to be with the mentality of saving back for retirement, but at some point you simply must or you’re screwed later in life still having to work with old age and arthritis just to survive. I think it’s natural for people to start thinking about retirement savings in their 30’s, and I admit, I’m one that hasn’t saved back much at all for my elderly years, but at least it’s on my agenda now. We always want the next best thing or the newest model of whatever, is it necessary? No. Do you need it? No. Then why not put that money into an account for retirement?

If there is one thing I have learned thus far while working with the elderly, it is to invest in Long-Term Care Insurance. Doesn’t sound as fun, does it? Agreed. But later on in life, you will pat yourself on the back and say to yourself, ‘Good job kiddo, you’re still living a colorful life.’

Until next time…always be kind,


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