As time continues on, the older we get, the wiser we become and the unlimited possibilities we used to think of begin to become narrowed. Our minds become too focused on what is, what should be, what is not and how can we fix the unfixable.  It used to be that I was able to lie down at night and fall fast asleep, not even the sound of a train could wake me.  Now, I lie with my eyes wide open. My mind just simply won’t turn off at night, and I think to myself how did I get here?

As responsibilities in life increase, so does stress. How does that saying go? “The more irons in the fire you have the more stress you have.” Whatever the saying is, it brings me to my point of how I believe America’s culture is the catalyst for my insomnia. Our society has become one of multiple irons, and the fact that we are so accessible with our smart phones – doesn’t help. Sometimes I feel like there is simply just not enough time in a day to get everything done with the demands of work and home life responsibilities. I pray I’m not alone on this, but living today in America has become a culture that demands 48hrs to be fit into a 12hr day. It is nearly impossible to be a mother and a partner to someone, work full-time, keep up with the house and still have time for yourself- unless you have a nanny.  There is little to no “me” time besides when I lay down to sleep, which leads to my problem of insomnia. My mind continues to think and visualize life without interruptions instead of falling asleep, and by the time I finally make myself look at the clock it is almost 3am. Then, I said hello to Ambien.  

I started taking Ambien 2 years ago and I have currently been trying to ween myself off of it. Let’s face it, Ambien, is no kind drug. It’s terrible for your body and mind–‘I’m so thrilled that I’m addicted to a drug that can cause dementia!’– said no one ever. Not to mention having no recollection of several internet purchases that I made while I was supposedly “asleep”—now that’s scary. With that being said, and the fear that I could do something worse, I have been cutting myself down to one cup of coffee a day (always in the morning, which is a hard thing for me to do, because I love coffee) and refraining from anything that might give me more energy in the afternoons.  (However, I do drink a glass of green tea just because it’s too good for you not to.) Needless to say, the dissolvable Melatonin tablets have become my friends. They work better than the capsules (at least for me). I take two 10mg tablets and let them dissolve under my tongue right before bed, this, plus cutting back on my caffeine is beginning to work. Now, if I could only get my boyfriend not to snore I would be in great shape. Thank God for ear plugs 🙂

I guess visualizing wearing this outfit in Havana, Cuba before bed doesn’t help my situation any. I really dig the Latin American vibes this skirt gives, the colors are perfect complementary choices and the ruffle on the off-the-shoulder top flows so well with the skirt. It could easily pass as a dress. Get this look for a summer vacay or just to wear out and look nice for your man on date night (or “bae” whatever you might call your significant other, lol). I personally call mine, the “Honey Badger” 😛 

Until next time. Always be kind,

Erica xx

Get this look at Village Collection Boutique in downtown Huntington. They ship anywhere, call 304/525-2204.

All images by Courtney Christian, Courthead Does Photography


Show Me Your Mumu skirt (Bahama Bloom) and top   /   Kendra Scott jewelry   /   TOMs wedges and sunglasses   /   Cleobella purse     


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