Let’s face it, bomber jackets are the bomb. They are infamous in the fashion world because they create flexibility. Designers and stylists are on a trend right now where everything should look effortlessly put together. Styling casual bombers with dressy looks aren’t uncommon these days because everyone is focusing on new perspectives. Pairing items together that one wouldn’t normally do creates an “unexpectedness” that adds a unique value to almost any look. That’s why owning a bomber is kind of a big deal. 

When it comes to bomber jackets, they are a must-have for styling and layering. I love this one by Jack BB Dakota because of the lightweight material and the versatile color allows you to pair it with dressy, casual or athleisure looks. Bombers can be worn three different ways: 1) tied around the waist 2) laid over the shoulders and lastly, but certainly not least, 3) just the normal way. It helps to have a lighter weight jacket in order to tie it around the waist without looking too bulky. I wore this look during NYFW and I have to say it is one of my favorites.   

Can we talk about these jeans for a minute? They are my ultimate fav right now. I wore them a lot while in NYC and received tons of compliments, but who are we kidding? Frame Denim never disappoints in making awesome jeans. The silk snakeskin tank by Equipment is a dressy touch that creates the perfect “unexpected” factor to this look. TIPS: Always think outside the box these days when it comes to fashion. And remember, it’s not about who you are wearing but how you wear it, whether it comes from Gucci or Target is of no relevance, it’s all about your choices on styling and the presentation.

Until next time. Always be kind,

Erica xx




Frame jeans

Equipment tank 

Jack by BB Dakota bomber

Shoes old, similar here and here

Bracelet by Mantra Laces here