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Coming back from paradise…

First of all, I want to apologize to the regular readers for not posting while on vacation. I went to Miami and Key Largo, FL to visit family and I vowed to completely emerse myself in doing nothing but enjoying vacation. Sometimes we all just need to do that and clear our heads, right? My vacation was perfect. My boyfriend, Tom, got to meet family members of mine for the first time (and of course they loved him!). My son, Noah, got to spend time with his cousins he hasn’t seen in two years, and I enjoyed every part of my quality time and more. 

Needless to say, coming back to reality was hard, but I really gained a lot of motivation and inspiration from my down time. I got to read, pray, enjoy every evening sunset and stargazing at night. Doing those things helps -me- to connect more to what’s within; my spirit feels more energized than ever and I’m excited for the unknown. Sometimes we can get so caught up on the what if’s in life that we don’t enjoy the present. I recently read an article in Harper’s Bazaar’s April issue by Chelsea Handler that really hit home with me and I will quote one paragraph…

“I wish I had known when I was younger that I was going to be successful and have a great life when I got older–have a house, be able to do stuff for my friends, and my family. If someone had told me that when I was in my 20s waiting tables, I would have said, ‘Oh, my gosh, this is going to be great.’ I would have looked forward to getting older instead of thinking, I’m never going to do anything,” said Chelsea Handler.

She continues to explain, as you get older, you become better at so many things- which is so true. So women and men listen up, you are never to late to do what you really want to do, and if Carolina Herrera can start her career in her 40’s and be the successful woman she is today, then by all means- we all can. Granted, it’s not going to be given, but if you work hard, stay persistent and be kind, then it will eventually happen. My vacation allowed me the downtime I needed to refuel and write down all the positives in my life. Doing this really helps me to enjoy and be grateful for the present while patiently waiting for the future.

Therefore, I end by saying the ALL BLACK is not due to lack of enthusiasm for work, but for the lack of scenery. When you live in Huntington, WV, where nature’s beauty is masked due to the winter months, it’s only normal to be a little sad when coming back from paradise, right? I hope this post finds all my readers doing very well. Until next time.

Always be kind,
