Good morning,

I am trying to write daily posts not only for regular readers who maybe more interested in me than others, but also for myself as a journal that I can look back on. I really don’t have a plan on this nor do I know what will come out on a daily basis, lol. But we will give it a go 🙂

Today is Thursday, one of the best days of the week, well at least to me. It also happens to be my father’s birthday 🙂 If you don’t know my father, well to shorten it, he is the most genuine, non selfish, non judgmental person you will ever meet. I’m looking forward to celebrating his birthday! Unfortunately though, I have to wait until Sunday (which is my mother’s birthday too!) because I’m working all day (fun stuff though) until 8pm. And the kind man that he is, travels on the weekend two hours away to help my Grandmother (amazing, strong woman- his mother) who lives alone.

I am looking forward to this weekend though. My first weekend back since vacation. Friday night I plan to drink some wine with my best friend, Denise, and help her organize her closet (much needed girl time). And it’s awesome because Noah gets playtime with one of his friends, Carley. Saturday, I have lots of errands to run and then Tom and I are celebrating a friends birthday with dinner. Sunday, church and family time, celebrating both of my parents birthdays!

I plan to start RCIA classes in September but can’t decide between St. Joseph church (which St. Joe is where I went to H.S.) or Our Lady of Fatima (which is Tom’s favorite). You see, I’ve always known Catholicism but I’ve never actually been baptized. I know, hard to believe right? My parents let my sister and I choose our preference, which is kindof ironic, but nice.    

Anyway, I hope everyone has a wonderful day! Going to do my Tracey Anderson arm video now, haha. Stay motivated, work hard and be kind to everyone today! Do something extra for someone and make their day.  If you live locally come see me at Village Collection today! They are having a beauty event from 5-7:30 and customers get 20% off! Bobby Brown makeup will be there, along with Dr. Amy Vaughan giving botox for $9/cc!

Always be kind, 
