Today I overslept, which I hate doing. I woke up at 8:30am, when normally on Saturdays I wake up around 7am and that’s considered sleeping in for me. I generally rise on weekdays around 4:45 – 5am. There is something about the morning hours I enjoy so much. It’s very peaceful with no interruptions. 

Generally, it’s either I wake up and work out early am or it’s not going to happen that day, lol. I’m so busy in the evenings after work with dinners, my son and more, that there really is no extra time for it to happen.

I sometimes sit and think about how single mothers with multiple kids run a family? I mean she basically has no life for herself other than her kids and work. (I know, random thought.) But, about a month ago, I was really happy to hear when a single mother with four kids won the lottery. Stuff like that makes me happy.

(My mind tends to run in 10 different directions sometimes, so these daily entries could possibly get a little weird, just sayin’ 🙂

Today, I plan to get motivated and ORGANIZE. I always have been that “organized chaos” person, especially for my desk. I like things printed out, lol what can I say? But if you asked me to find something in the midst of my chaos, I could probably find it within a good 20 seconds. My office at home needs help in a serious way. I guess since it isn’t clothing I don’t like taking the time to organize it as much as I do my closet, but it’s time for a change in this department.

I hope everyone has a wonderful, productive Saturday! Until next time.

Always be kind,

