So recently I feel like everything is coming together in my life, and I can see my long-term career. I have always been that person who loves change, so even when I have something good, like a marketing director position, I switch it up and go to nursing school. Lol yes, this is something I did. I quit my daytime job and decided to go back to school. I invested two years of my life and money to classes and exams to realize it wasn’t for me.

I loved nursing, but only the education part. I realized partway into my clinicals that I just didn’t have the stomach for it. I praise nurses. I never really understood exactly how much education they received before putting myself through it. Everyday they are faced with many uncooperative patients and truly are the sole care taker of patients, besides the every so often visit from the doctor. Nurses double check everything, especially medicine. They are the ones to catch a mistake of counteracting medicines or medicines that are recommended to avoid with others, etc.

In all honesty, I’m blown away by all the responsibility put on nurses- they should get paid a lot more, but that’s just my opinion :). Don’t get me wrong everyone has their roles needed in the healthcare industry, but a nurse is definitely exceptional.

But back to my story… I quit nursing school because I didn’t see myself doing that forever, but not for once do I regret it because of all of the experiences and knowledge I gained. I have a new and better understanding of all the organ systems in the body and the healthcare industry.

However, after deciding to leave school, I found myself in a transition stage asking myself, ‘Holy H*** what are you doing with your life???? You are about to be 32 and you have no career!’ I’m not gonna lie, it has been a struggle battling the what ifs in my head. But finally, after quitting nursing school almost 8 months ago I can see a path for my life. I slowly steered myself back into the PR / marketing industry and started following my passion, which is fashion (haha), and created this blog as a hobby.

I have never been so grateful for all the things coming into my life right now, and a lot of them are simply from following my passion. Life is truly about trial and error. The more experiences you create the better off you are by becoming a well-rounded individual, because knowledge truly is power. And there is definitely something to be said by following your heart…

I want to end by saying thank you again to all the healthcare providers, and especially the nurses, for all your work on a daily basis to help people on the road to health and recovery. Until next time.

Always be kind,
