Hello everyone, I wanted to share with my readers the success I have had with using Nerium International’s anti aging skin care products…

I had heard of Nerium before, but never played into it, I just thought it was another one of those network marketing companies trying to make it big. Well, I was wrong. I have erased my skepticism and have embraced their scientific discoveries. A friend of mine reached out to me and asked if I had tried Nerium, of course I hadn’t so she dropped me off a bottle of the Anti Aging Night Cream and the Anti Aging Day Cream.

I was hesitant to even start the sampling because my skin was doing great. I was scared of a break out, because I didn’t really have any issues besides some unevenness and maybe some enlarged pores. But I started the product anyway because I felt obligated to do so, lol, sorry Amber. Plus, Amber, my friend who gave me the samples is just a super awesome person, so I wanted to try it for her anyway. 

During my sampling process I was blown away how soft my skin immediately felt after just three days. After a week into it I noticed my pores were getting smaller and my face was looking smoother. After two weeks of using the product, I was starting to get asked, “What have you been doing to your face?” It was if my face began to have a natural radiance that it never had before, and obviously others were noticing it too. After testing the product for two weeks, I decided not only did I want to buy it but I wanted to sell it, because this product had not only given me results, but in such a short time frame as well.

Almost every morning I wake up feeling like my face has lifted and my neck is tighter. I can’t explain to you the successes of this product, it is helping to change peoples lives. The product was in research and clinical trials for 10 years before ever being released to the market three years ago. Nerium International, did $100 million dollars in it’s first year just solely on their Anti Aging Night Cream. Now, the company has expanded to day cream and body contouring cream as well; plus many more products to come in the future.  

This product is real science, with research and testing that can actually measure their results. Did you know that only a 3% improvement in skin is required before a company can launch an anti aging skincare product? No wonder all of my past regiments failed to give me results. On the other hand, Nerium’s clinical trials showed 93% of their subjects showed improvements in their face, with 30% showing dramatic improvement. To view some of these before and after photos and hear other people’s success stories click the image below:



PS. If you want to see my own before and after I can email them to whoever is really interested in the product, just send me an email at [email protected].

Always be kind,
