Every now and then we dress ourselves and wonder, “Where will this outfit take me?” Maybe we ask the same question too many times about where our lives are going. Back in my heydays, which were the roaring 20’s (not really, lol), the possibilities were open and endless. Now in my 30’s the window seems smaller. As we age we can’t help but to think of all the fundamentals of retirement and stability. The youthfulness gets sucked out of you by the worries of the undeniable. But what if we didn’t let those things bother us? Would people still venture out to discover new possibilities for their lives?

Life is a constant round of stages. It is important to live your life to your fullest. I say ‘your’ because not everyone’s ‘fullness’ is the same. It is important to do the things you have a desire to do, otherwise, why are we here? What you don’t want in life is to be sitting in a rocking chair at age 80 thinking about all the things you wish you would have done or accomplish. Experience, enjoy and live life, without the worries. Yeah, there will be some people that say easier said than done, which is true, but it all depends on how big of a risk-taker you are. You see, we never know the encounters and opportunities that come will come along each journey, but if you never take them, then you truly will never know what God could have mapped out for you.

 I’ve always been one to just do and not think too much about things. It’s a good and bad trait to have, but I definitely think I have had more life experiences due to living this way. Yes, I have my moments of worrying about the small stuff, but then I remember to let go and have faith that everything will be okay, and to this day, everything continues to be okay. So enjoy your life and live in every moment.

 One of my journeys that I still wish to take is a visit to Greece. This Nicole Miller blouse paired with these Paige white jeans set my mood for an exploration of Mykonos. One day I will go, but in the meantime, this will be enough to subdue my urge to pack up and go without proper funding… 😛 Until next time.

 Always be kind,


SHOP THIS LOOK below pics

DSC_4520 DSC_4542 DSC_4484 DSC_4501 DSC_4546 DSC_4554 DSC_4487All images by Courthead Does Photography, Courtney Christian


Nicole Miller blouse @Village Collection or here    /    Paige jeans @Village Collection or here   /   INC blush caged heels, sold out, similar here   /   Foley+Corinna purse @Village Collection or here   /   Kendra Scott earrings and bracelet @Village Collection or here and similar bracelet here