Last week was probably one of the hardest weeks I’ve had in a while. So many changes going on it’s hard to keep my head clear. Well, and I guess wrecking my car doesn’t help to lift the fog. I clearly need glasses at this point. I try not to get sour when thinking about it, but to move forward and not dwell on the damage–can be hard. 

You see what happened is, I cut the turn to pull out from the gas pump a little too short, and you know those TERRIBLE steel poles or U shaped rods that stand on each end of the gas pumps? Yeah those, and yes I know they serve good purpose, but they need to be made a little bit taller, so they can CLEARLY be seen. So yeah, I cut the turn too short, causing my rear passenger tire to be completely taken out…sucks right? Not to mention a group of guys hanging outside the gas station just staring at me as I nailed this rod. I even think about the “thought” of getting out in front of them before I get out of my car. Sad right? So I decided to give this look of complete disgust with myself as I get out of my car (not even knowing what I hit yet) and then after seeing the damage a look of WTF clearly came across my face. Thankfully, the guys only stared and didn’t say one word. Even though my car didn’t look drive-able, I sure as hell was not staying at the scene.

I got back in my car and drove as far as I thought it could go, pretty embarrassing since it literally was swerving side to side as my steering wheel is completely turned left yet the vehicle moves straight. Can you imagine the thoughts going on in my head? How did and could this happen?! Immediately started to make myself feel even worse. But, I gathered myself and pulled over to the nearest parking lot, clearly realizing my car had some serious damage. I stopped the negative thoughts in my head of ‘what an idiot you are’ and prioritized on who I needed to call first. Then it gets even better.

I called the insurance to have them tow it, and guess what?! They towed it to a completely different city #NOTSHOCKED. Not only did I find out three hours later that my car is another hour away, but now I’m arguing with the insurance company on why I shouldn’t have to pay for another tow. At this point, I knew God was testing me. I had to sit back and just handle it like a pro. I couldn’t stress anymore, but just do the best that I could do, but I knew one thing, I for sure wasn’t paying for that tow. I remained calm and respectful while on the phone, yet never backed down on my refusal to pay, and I ended up getting what I wanted (which was the right thing for the company to do since it was their mistake).

Two days later I finally get the call from an adjuster to let me know that he can’t assess my damage until Tuesday after Labor Day due to high volumes of claims. Really? That’s seven days from the accident. But whatever, it is what it is, right? At some point you just have to let go and adjust, because life doesn’t happen according to your schedule. You have to work with what you’ve got and make the best of it. Not maintaining a mindset of seeing the positives in every bad situation can really make or break your state of mind. If you dwell on the negatives and don’t forgive yourself of your mistakes, you become unhealthy. Life is all about learning from mistakes, and you better best believe that this driver will be swinging WAY OUT from the gas pump from now on…and continuing to squash one lemon at a time.

Until next time, always be kind.

Erica xx


Equipment x Kate Moss top here and @VCBoutique  /   C/MEO Collective @VCBoutique   /   L. George Necklace @VCBoutique   /   Sam Edelman pumps here and @VCBoutique /   Sondra Roberts purse @VCBoutique 

All items can be purchased from VC Boutique by calling, 304-525-2204, they ship anywhere!   

All images by Mark Webb, Mark Webb Photography






