Too often I witness friends over-analyzing situations, and sometimes I am guilty of it too, but I try to be aware of my thoughts and not let my mind take over. In general, our minds have a negative connotation when reflecting on one’s self-position. We allow our minds to wander into “what could be” scenarios that prevent us from really living life, and many of times, creating your own fear to “possible” outcomes, which in turn steers you to another direction.  

Life is meant to be lived in the present. Within all of us, there is a higher power beyond our comprehension and too often our minds prevent us from seeing our full potential. Whether it be from self-doubt or anxiety from the opinions of others, many miss out on amazing experiences because they allow fear to control them and in turn underestimate their capabilities. 

This life is way too short to let the opinions of others steer your emotions and actions. You have to do for “you” without analyzing how it will be perceived by others. Too often I remind my friends that they are allowing their minds to create these “so-called” ideas or opinions when they aren’t even a real fact. Stressing over something that is not even known or confirmed is a waste of positive energy. Just like when you’re waiting for someone to respond to a text message and you don’t hear from them, instead of jumping to the conclusion of them ignoring, think about how they really just might be busy or are having a bad day. Don’t allow your mind to produce self-inflicted stress. 

Recognize when your mind is consuming you and turn it off by focusing on the “now” or by reading a book. “The Art of Happiness” by the Dalai Lama is a book that I recommend for anyone to read. It’s eye-opening to the realization of how much energy is wasted on negative thoughts from our own minds. Many of us are the cause of our own disappointments. We tend to build up these grand fantasies in our heads of how we picture life scenarios playing out, whether it be about a relationship, a sales meeting, a job, a friend, a trip etc., we begin to expect those outcomes, which in turn causes us to feel disappointment when it doesn’t work out that way. 

Life is meant to be lived day by day and in the present moment. Don’t overthink it, just do what makes you happy. Choose to hang out with people who uplift you and add value to your life- it’s the only way to live without later regrets in life. Until next time, don’t overthink life. 

Always be kind,

Erica xx



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