Holiday Gift Guides for Her

I don’t know about you, but as I get older I seem to get more excited about picking out the perfect gifts for people and seeing their reaction when they open it rather than compiling my own wish list.
Full disclosure here, in the past I’ve always been the one scrambling around closer to Christmas trying to get those thoughtful and meaningful gifts for my loved ones; so this year I made a little pact with myself. I promised myself I would be more organized and save myself from the frantic late-night Amazon prime shopping.
Being Santa’s little helper is no easy feat, especially for those people that already seem to “have everything”. So I decided to make some gift guides this year to hopefully give you guys some gift giving inspo and help make your holiday season a bit more merry and bright.
First up the LADIES! These gifts are for our BFFs, sisters, the beauty lover, the hostess, the girlfriend, the trendsetter and more. I tried to pick gifts that were easily accessible online and not too hard on the wallet because let’s be real after the holidays is when you may want to treat yo’self too for crushing another hectic holiday season!
Keep scrolling to see all the goodies that will keep you on the nice list for the foreseeable future. Until next time, always be kind.
Erica xx

Gift Guide For Her