by edeligne | Mar 11, 2024 | Uncategorized
Hey there, friends! I hope you were able to join Eva and me on our first Instagram Live episode of The Supplement Scoop. As promised, here are the links to the supplements highlighted in the first episode below. Supplement List: Episode 1, March 12th (Click...
by edeligne | Dec 13, 2023 | Life
I recently posted this workout picture to my stories on Instagram mentioning how it was my first workout after my two day water fast for cellular autophagy. I received so many messages asking me about cellular autophagy that I decided to create a post for all to...
by edeligne | Nov 4, 2023 | Life
I had the pleasure of wrapping up Breast Cancer Awareness month with @justinere from @ny1 this week. Our interview highlighted the need for more education to be presented to women who face breast cancer surgery and as well as more flat visibility in fashion. ...
by edeligne | Oct 18, 2023 | Life
I always get asked, “Why did you choose not to reconstruct?” It’s a personal decision for every woman, but at the end of the day—for me— I knew I just wanted to feel normal again as quick as possible.Some call it intuition or divine guidance, but I knew in my gut that...
by edeligne | Aug 9, 2023 | My Style
My friends, summer is sadly coming to a close soon. As the evenings get shorter and the air a bit cooler, it’s time to start thinking about how to revamp your wardrobe for the fabulous fall season ahead. But wait, before you dive into cozy sweaters and chunky...