
Six Summer Neckline Options For Flatties

Six Summer Neckline Options For Flatties

Hey there, flat sisters! With summer in full swing, I wanted to share some of my favorite hot season options. Six Necklines that I love as a flattie: Deep V camisole or tee. I love this neckline more as a flattie than when I had breasts. The V neckline allows room for...

The Supplement Scoop- Episode 1 (links)

The Supplement Scoop- Episode 1 (links)

Hey there, friends! I hope you were able to join Eva and me on our first Instagram Live episode of The Supplement Scoop. As promised, here are the links to the supplements highlighted in the first episode below.   Supplement List: Episode 1, March 12th (Click...

Top 10 Transitional Dressing Tips for Fall

Top 10 Transitional Dressing Tips for Fall

My friends, summer is sadly coming to a close soon. As the evenings get shorter and the air a bit cooler, it's time to start thinking about how to revamp your wardrobe for the fabulous fall season ahead. But wait, before you dive into cozy sweaters and chunky boots,...

Breast Cancer: Benefits of an Aesthetic Flat Closure

Breast Cancer: Benefits of an Aesthetic Flat Closure

Women are putting the health of their bodies first and opting for an aesthetic flat closure over reconstruction An aesthetic flat closure (AFC) is a breast cancer surgery option in which the breast tissue is removed, and the chest wall is left without any breast mound...

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