The Power of Color in Fashion

The Power of Color in Fashion

Your choice of color has everything to do with making a great fashion statement. Bold, bright colors always attract the eye, but when you combine bold stripes along with it, then it’s almost dazing… Wearing a colorful look will always leave a lasting...
How to Color Block

How to Color Block

Whether it’s out to play or for a day at work, color blocking is an option that will always fit the occasion. There is something about pairing colors in a complementary way or in a monochromatic fashion that strikes ones attention. You see, a lot of people...
Complementary Colors 101

Complementary Colors 101

One of the best tricks for a great stylist is knowing your complementary colors. The definition of complementary colors according to Google, are pairs of colors which, when combined, cancel each other out. This means that when combined, they produce a grey-scale color...

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