(This is not medical guidance, simply sharing my story and what I have done.)

As a breast cancer survivor whose cancer was estrogen and progesterone-driven, I chose to take the natural route in lowering my levels of estrogen and progesterone. I refused tamoxifen after I was cleared of cancer with my final surgery in October 2021. I took tamoxifen for two months, starting the day I was diagnosed up until the day of my surgery, and it made me absolutely miserable. I became severely depressed and every joint in my body ached. I felt like I was a 98-year-old lady living in a 38-year-old body.

In my personal opinion, I do not believe it is healthy to completely block women of all their hormones. Yet unfortunately, being placed on a hormone-blocking agent for five years is a standard treatment of care for women who are diagnosed with hormone-driven breast cancers.

However, some women do decide to stop taking the hormone blockers and prefer a better quality of life over quantity (knowing they take a risk). They make conscious choices when it comes to diet and lifestyle to maintain an overall wellness, especially regarding hormone levels. Regular blood work with hormone testing is highly recommended to know where your hormone levels are if taking this route. Especially with estrogen, as long periods of excess estrogen can increase the risk of breast cancer.

So ladies, as a preventative measure, get your blood work done to check all of your hormone levels. I wish someone would have told me this before I was diagnosed with estrogen/PR-driven breast cancer. I had all the signs of estrogen dominance (see last slide) but I was just unaware to know better for myself, which is why I share with you now.

Check out these six foods that I try to regularly consume as a part of my everyday diet to maintain healthy to low estrogen levels:

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Until next time, always be kind.


Erica Deligne

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