Living Freely and Wisely

Living Freely and Wisely

The progression of life is a hard thing to swallow.  Adjusting to change is one thing, but looking at the end of life is another. I don’t think nowadays people plan for living into their 90’s. (Sad news is, the likelihood of it happening is much higher...
Accept the Unknown with Grace

Accept the Unknown with Grace

Life is a pretty gifted puzzle, and the unknown can almost drive you crazy. When it comes to our health, work-life and our personal relationships, feeling unsteady in one of these categories can really knock you off your rocker. Especially when we can’t figure it out,...
Enjoy Your Journey

Enjoy Your Journey

Every now and then we dress ourselves and wonder, “Where will this outfit take me?” Maybe we ask the same question too many times about where our lives are going. Back in my heydays, which were the roaring 20’s (not really, lol), the possibilities were open and...

Saturday, March 28, 2015

Today I overslept, which I hate doing. I woke up at 8:30am, when normally on Saturdays I wake up around 7am and that’s considered sleeping in for me. I generally rise on weekdays around 4:45 – 5am. There is something about the morning hours I enjoy so...

Thank you nurses… March 27, 2015

So recently I feel like everything is coming together in my life, and I can see my long-term career. I have always been that person who loves change, so even when I have something good, like a marketing director position, I switch it up and go to nursing school. Lol...

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