Coping with Life’s Ups and Downs

Coping with Life’s Ups and Downs

Are you a person who views the cup as half full or half empty?  Personally, I view life to be wondrous. Even though we go through times of suffering, it really comes down to our perceptions. How we translate events and situations into our personal lives play a huge...
A Woman Who Never Lost Hope

A Woman Who Never Lost Hope

Two days ago, I had the honor of running into a woman who fought cancer into the ground and proved her original “A-Hole” of a doctor wrong. (Her words, not mine.) Referring to the doctor who told her she would only have eight months left to live. It’s unfortunate that...
Dan Liu- Empowering the Bold

Dan Liu- Empowering the Bold

New York Fashion Week (NYFW) was such an exhilarating and fun whirlwind which exposed me to new designers that I had yet to experience. One notable and exciting show that I had the pleasure of attending for Fashion Designer Dan Liu. If you aren’t familiar with his...
Reality & the Female Movement of Boss Babes

Reality & the Female Movement of Boss Babes

Life is so funny because you will literally go from one extreme to the next without even knowing. I recently went from dating a 50-year-old man (maybe child-man) to dating a 23-year-old boy and I can honestly say both have taught me great lessons. I’m...
When the Ego Divides Your Character

When the Ego Divides Your Character

Honesty, a character trait that each and every one of us has, yet the value placed on it varies on an individual basis. There are people in this world who will lie, cheat and steal as if it is second nature, these people lack virtues. A deficit of integrity and the...

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