by edeligne | May 25, 2021 | My Style, Tips
Hey friends! Thanks for stopping by to check out my makeup routine. I’m gonna make this quick and easy for you to shop and list all the steps I do in order starting from the prep work done for a glowing primed face before I apply my foundation. All of the...
by edeligne | May 16, 2021 | Life, My Style, Tips
The older I get the more I strive for my skin to look supremely hydrated. You know how your skin looks immediately after receiving a Hydrafacial- that dewy look is what I strive for daily. And if you’ve never had a Hydrafacial before, I highly recommend trying...
by edeligne | May 2, 2021 | Life, My Style, Uncategorized
Every year I grow to appreciate Mother’s Day more and more. A part of that appreciation naturally comes with age, but I find myself more grateful each year for my own mother as I experience motherhood and raising my own son, Noah. Mother’s Day should be a...
by edeligne | Mar 6, 2021 | Life
PRESS RELEASE Local blogger highlights female owned businesses, bringing them together for a large giveaway available for the public to enter on International Women’s Day on Monday, March 8th via Instagram. Huntington, WV- Erica Deligne, digital creator...
by edeligne | Feb 17, 2021 | Life
I recently came across a video on Instagram where a social friend of mine talked about how our perception is our projection into this world. How we choose to perceive situations and events becomes the energy we choose to project out. I caught myself saying...